Rob's Dogs - About Us Robs Dogs - About Us UPDATED | Page 8
Upon moving to Koh Samui, Russian Vet Elena
Kireeva and her partner Stefan Koenig were
immediately struck at the large number of stray and
neglected dogs on the island, and their number grew
daily due to the lack of sterilization on the island.
Many of these animals had been abandoned by
owners without sterilization and as such, the number
of stray dogs was growing every year.
Elena and Stefan decided to start a small charity
called Pariah Dog Koh Samui in 2016, with the
purpose of relieving the suffering, starvation, abuse
and neglect of Koh Samui street dogs by providing
medical care, sterilization, vaccination and care.
With no corporate funding, Pariah Dog relies on
donations, support and the generosity of the global
community to continue their life-saving work.