Roaring Twenties 1 | Page 2

Tom Buchanan: Railroads to the City


Aboarding his train tomorrow, one of the sneakiest men I know will be on his way to New York. His once a week trip to New York is on the 10:00 train Wednesday morning. He will return that evening as if he had a normal day of work.

This trip must be secret and taken at this time so his wife, Daisy, Will not find out. Tom Buchanan committing adultery with another married woman, is one horrible act.

One trip to the city Nick went with Tom and they stopped by the gas station where Myrtle was with her husband. Nick met Myrtle and her husband and decided never to mention the horrible crime being committed.

Being in town for a couple of days, Tim found himself at Gatsby's party. This would only lead to more trouble as Gatsby and Tom fought over Daisy. This friction would rise continually to the point where Gatsby wants Daisy to tell Tom she never loved him.

Tom Buchanan is a man with a rough history in his relationship that he had with Daisy. This relationship started because Tom had money at the time and Gatsby did not. Since Tom committed this foul act of adultery, Daisy does not feel so strong for him as she once did.

Tom said he was done with the foul acts and he would treat Daisy with good care. Saying this and showing his care, Daisy could not leave him. Tom and Daisy went off together to try and live a better life than they were living before.

Tom Buchanan looking around with his usual mischevious look