RoadLINX Inc Shipping from Canada to the US | Page 6
Hire Services of Professional Shipping
Companies Shipping From Canada to the US
To precisely determine the landed cost, you initially have to know the
exact freight cost. It is advisable to never assume or go by what you see.
If, per adventure, you go by the usual shipping rates on the website of
most companies, you will find out that surcharges are usually added.
Another important factor to consider when it comes to determining the
landed cost is the brokerage fee. Dealing with a company that is
conversant with shipping from Canada to the US is very important.
Brokerage fees and freight charges are the nexuses here. Thus, you
should look to deal with a company that offers discounted charges on
brokerage so that you, in turn, would benefit from a smaller brokering
fee. In addition, you should also inquire about NAFTA specifications
from the company.
You may be at a loss as to how to find these companies that offer a
favorable shipping plan from Canada to the US.