RoadLINX Inc Learn Different Transportation System And Warehous | Page 12

Methods Involved In Pallet Storage

• Push Back Rack o

Warehouse storage method whereby a given stock is taken to the storage area by use of a carrier that is rail-guided is known as pushback rack . In this method , there is pushing back to the area of storage of the other stocks when the given stock is placed in the store . Here , it means that upon the removal of a given stock from the store , another stock occupies that space .

• Pallet Flow Rack o

Warehouse storage method that is mainly conducted by the warehouses that are accompanied by high throughput is known as pallet flow rack . It is a type of method that allows the pallets contained on a conveyor to be offloaded in a FIFO style . This allows another pallet to occupy the position that is left empty .

• Drive-In Rack o

Warehouse storage method that gives rise to around 10 spaces of pallet load that are alike to the double-deep type of racking is known as the drive-in rack . The lanes for the drive-in makes it possible for the removing and placing of the load by the forklift . But this forklift has a space that is limited in maneuvering and as a result , the time for placing and removing the pallets is increased .

• The Double-Deep Type Of Pallet Rack o

Warehouse storage whereby 2 racks that are single and placed together are incorporated is known as the double-deep type of pallet rack . This form of the method is vital as it minimizes the aisles number required .