RoadLINX Inc Heated Trucks The Best Shipping Solution | Page 13
3. Choose your packaging insulation properly
The packaging insulation material is essential when shipping temperature-sensitive goods. The
wrong packaging can promote heat transfer among the goods and affect their quality. Such
problems are present even when using heated trucks. Therefore, get the right packaging and
insulate it. Cardboard and Styrofoam boxes are excellent options for temperature-controlled
shipping. Some of the best insulation options include expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam and rigid
polyurethane foam. You can also use reflective materials as these also prevent heat transfer.
Ensure that your goods are properly packaged and sealed before loading.
4. Ask for Temperature Monitoring
When goods are being shipped over long distances, the unexpected may happen and your
products may fall below the advised temperatures. You can avoid this by asking your company to
provide temperature monitoring solutions. Some high-tech devices can be placed inside the
shipment to monitor temperature around the clock. If adverse temperature changes occur during
transportation, the shipping crew can intervene to protect the goods from losing their quality.