RMI and Whittaker Mountaineering Gear Guides Expedition Skills Seminar - Winter | Page 13


Warm Hat Wool or synthetic. It should provide warmth but also be thin enough to fit underneath a climbing helmet.


cuffed beanie

Buff/Neck Gaiter One item for face protection is required. Our primary recommendation is the Buff. A neck gaiter or balaclava is also acceptable.

Bufforiginal Uv buff




neck gaiter

Ball Cap/Sun Hat

Warm Hat A warm winter hat of fleece or wool can be worn underneath the climbing helmet to stay warm. Make sure your hat doesn't have a pompom or extra material at the top so that it fits comfortably underneath the helmet.

Buff or Neck Gaiter

A Buff or light neck gaiter is used to protect the face from wind and cold on the upper mountain. They are also useful for sun protection throughout the climb. Most guides end up wearing their Buffs for much of the climb.

Ball Cap or Sun Hat

A ball cap or sun hat is useful for shielding your face from the sun. Ball caps have the added advantage of fitting well under a climbing helmet on the upper mountain.

Outdoor research

sun runner Cap™

Mesh caps