RM Sotheby’s London to Brighton Veteran Car Run 2024 | Page 38


Anna-Louise Felstead ’ s reputation as an exciting name in the world of motoring art rests on actually ‘ being there ’ – going out into the field of historic cars and motor racing , unwieldy paper in hand , to capture the ambience as much as the authentic detail . The British painter became regarded early on , whether she liked the label or not , as a ‘ reportage ’ artist ; she makes copious initial sketches on location , often sidetracked into conversation with drivers and car owners . Only when she ’ s bottled up enough of what she needs can she return to her London studio and produce the work which collectors have grown to covet .

“ The first cars I ever painted were back in 2008 when I went to the Grand Prix Historique in Monaco ,” she recalls . “ I loved painting those Bugattis and ERAs . I spent hours in the paddock sketching them , great big headlights and leather straps holding down the bonnet . More modern cars get too sleek and streamlined and the shapes aren ’ t as attractive to me . Pre-war cars have a lot more character and I find the lines much more interesting than , say , a modern Ferrari . There ’ s so much more to draw .”
Her impressionistic approach and technique have proved irresistible to the organisers of the 2024 Veteran Car Run . In the year when the foundation of
38 The London to Brighton Veteran Car Run