RM Sotheby’s London to Brighton Veteran Car Run 2024 | Page 20


The marshalling team , made up entirely of volunteers , is one of the most important parts of the Veteran Car Run . James Page meets some of the young marshals participating in this year ’ s Run .

Marshals are the lifeblood of any motoring event , and the Veteran Car Run is no exception . In total , the route is overseen by almost 370 marshals and 40 officials , who last year came from as far afield as Germany and Belgium . Hyde Park alone has more than 100 volunteers who arrive in the pre-dawn darkness to prepare for the start , while the Pit Stop at the Hawth Theatre in Crawley requires 30 more to ensure that all of the veterans cars can get parked up .

Certain sections require a specific type of backup . At places such as Hammer Hill and Clayton Hill , for example , there can be up to 25 ‘ tow marshals ’ in 4x4s , ready to pull the less-powerful cars over the steepest parts of the South Downs . Elsewhere , at Reigate or Stonepound crossroads , it ’ s the marshals ’ own muscles that are sometimes required in order to help veterans on their way if they get caught at traffic lights .
All the way along the route , there are 11 checkpoints where officials monitor the cars , crossing them off as they pass and keeping the control centre up to date with everyone ’ s progress , and those who make it to the finish in Brighton are greeted by a band of about 30 volunteers who help to organise parking .
The majority of marshals come from a motorsport and motor club background , and some of them have now been playing their part for a number of decades . Amongst the experienced ‘ old hands ’, however , are some younger faces who are helping to secure the event ’ s long-term future .
Jonathan Loftus is 28 years old and marshalled on the Veteran Car Run for the first time last year , but his overall experience goes back a lot further than that . “ I ’ ve done lots of marshalling for the local motorsport club with my dad since I was about eight ,” he explains . “ It ’ s mostly on road rallies , but I ’ ve done a little bit of stuff at Brands Hatch and we also do a few Targa rallies .”
As with so many enthusiasts , Jonathan got into motorsport via his parents – in this case , his dad . “ He used to drive back in the 1980s with one of his mates , but they stopped doing it because they both had partners and kids . Then we got back into it and started
20 The London to Brighton Veteran Car Run