RM Sotheby’s London to Brighton Veteran Car Run 2023 | Page 42

1903 Brush
arrangement with Emile Roger of Paris , aroused significant interest . In 1893 , a four-wheel model was launched , which was available with an array of heavy coachwork . The company ’ s fortunes were transformed with the arrival of the ‘ Velo ’ in 1894 , with its 3hp horizontal , rear-mounted engine , belt and pully transmission , wire wheels , and two-seater body . The car was outdated by 1900 and sales dropped . Efforts were made to revive interest initially with the addition of a dummy bonnet , and then a new look arrived with the launch of the Benz Parsifal in 1902 , with its twin cylinder , 2,250cc engine .
Berliet Marius Berliet started experimenting with automobiles in 1894 at premises in Lyons , producing small numbers of single cylinder , horizontal-engined tandem cars in 1900 ( apparently because the workshop had a narrow door ), followed by front-mounted twin and four-cylinder , chain driven vehicles in 1901 . In 1902 , Berliet purchased the premises of Audibert-Lavirotte , and by 1903 , the company had an agency in Paris , from where a range of four-cylinder , steel chassis machines with distinctive honeycomb radiators where advertised . Berliet had a reputation for manufacturing high quality , large engined motor cars , frequently clad with luxurious open and closed coachwork .
Bolide Bolide was the brand name given to motor vehicles that were distributed by Lefebvre , but the chassis , gearbox and axles were purchased by the company from Lacoste et Battmann . The latter , based in Paris , manufactured a large range of motor vehicle components that other companies purchased to support the assembly of their vehicles .
Boyer A Boyer car competed in the 1899 Paris-Rambouillet race . By 1901 the company was making standard voiturettes with front-mounted single cylinder engines sourced from Aster , Buchet , Meteore or De Dion Bouton . They had tubular frames and were shaft driven , with the water tank for the frontal radiator located at the rear of the frame . In 1902 , Boyer vehicles were sold in England under the name of York , but Georgano reported that this was discontinued due to quality issues . By 1903 , Boyer were selling larger cars with four-cylinder engines with side valves on an ‘ L ’ head , an armoured wood frame , and chain drive . Georgano claims that from 1905 Boyer cars were being made in the Prunel factory , along with vehicles that were branded Gnome , Gracile , and J . P . that were marketed in England . The last cars sold under the Boyer name appeared at the Paris Salon in 1906 .
Brennan The Brennan Motor Manufacturing Company of Syracuse , New York , USA was a manufacturer of automobile engines , used by a range of other motor car companies . It is believed that the company prepared custom-made complete vehicles for some customers , during the period 1902 - 1908 , which were branded with the ‘ Brennan ’ marque . In the competitive American market that existed at this time , it was always unlikely that a small firm could succeed against organisations such as Ford , Cadillac , and Oldsmobile .
Brown The company Brown Brothers was formed in 1888 , for the supply of cycle components . The business moved to 30 Great Eastern Street , London in 1892 , from where it offered a substantial and very diverse range of components , accessories and tools to cycle , motor vehicle and , ultimately , aircraft manufacturers worldwide . Complete cycles and motor vehicles were also available , sometimes from the constituent parts in stock or , more usually , as rebadged products from other manufacturers ( including Aster-engined Stars ). There are only a small number of known surviving Brown quadricycles , and each example uses a Perfecta quadricycle frame and a Starley rear axle .
Brush The Brush Electrical Engineering Co Ltd of Lambeth , London made motorcars from 1902 , initially using two-cylinder 10hp Abeille engines coupled to a Sage gearbox , both from France . By 1903 , the company was re-badging a range of motor cars that were substantially manufactured by the Lacoste et Battmann factory in France . These included a 12hp twin cylinder , and 12hp , 16hp , or 20hp four-cylinder vehicles for 1903 , and a similar selection of machines for 1904 , which included a 5hp single cylinder option . Brush began to manufacture its own engines in 1904 , when production was switched to Loughborough .
42 The London to Brighton Veteran Car Run