RM Sotheby’s London to Brighton Veteran Car Run 2022 | Page 47

GMS Polymer Engineering

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High quality repairs , servicing and restorations on vintage and veteran cars
1902 Clément Panhard Vis a Vis 4 ½ hp £ 65,000 A highly original and wonderfully preserved veteran car coming from long-term ownership . Among the peculiarities of the Clément-Panhard were centre-pivot steering , a totally exposed gear transmission and a rear-mounted , not-quite-vertical , single-cylinder engine . A fascinating car !
1937 Bentley 4¼ litre Sedanca Coupe by Gurney Nutting £ 295,000 Having been subject to a recent and extensive coachwork restoration , the car presents beautifully , offering the thrills of ‘ open ’ motoring and the practicality of an enclosed car with wind up windows . Sportsmanship and elegance combined in one stunning motor car .
1954 Aston Martin DB2 / 4 : Ex-works Monte Carlo Rally Car £ 425,000 One of three factory prepared team cars to contest in international rallies during 1955 . Driven by Gatsonides / Becquart , 55 DMF finished overall , won the over 2000cc Grand Touring Class , and Aston Martin was also awarded the overall team prize . Completed several recent Mille Miglia .
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