BIG4 and ARMA working together
BIG4 , Australia ’ s leading holiday accommodation provider with 180 properties throughout Australia and the Australian Revenue Management Association ( ARMA ), the leading provider of industry revenue management training and support , are collaborating on a series of workshops and ongoing training resources to strengthen the practice of revenue management for BIG4 franchises .
BIG4 ’ s General Manager Park Services and Acquisition , Sarah McCully said : “ BIG4 recognises the importance of sound revenue management practices to deliver optimal revenue outcomes and is pleased to be working with ARMA to assist us in building on this objective .”
The arrangement will see ARMA provide targeted revenue management training sessions to BIG4 operators and the integration of ARMA ’ s online resource tools for ongoing park education and support .
ARMA ’ s Managing Director , Melissa Kalan said : “ We are thrilled to be working with such an iconic Australian brand and delivering targeted revenue management concepts specific to the park industry . BIG4 is a quality operator and many of its parks have an impressive history synonymous with the Australian culture and way of life . The park industry has its own unique set of challenges in relation to revenue management practices , it is wonderful to see BIG4 take the lead to drive this in their market .”
G E T C O N N E C T E D www . revenuemanagement . com . au
Register for the BIG4 Revenue Management workshops facilitated by ARMA contact Max Batham / max . batham @ big4 . com . au
www . revenuemanagement . com . au
Better Revenue I Better Industry I AUS & NZ 21