By following all 12 we as consumers can be be sure that sainsbury's is a reliable retailer and can be sure our products come from a trusted source.
An example of a non reliable source which clearly didn't follow any of the ETI basecodes is the disaster which happened at Rana Plaza, the building had a large crack in it breaking the base code of; working living conditions are safeand hygienic. Due to this crack the building plummeted to the ground and also there were two layers on top of the building illegally for more working stations which also added to the pressure of the crack. In addition to this people were told to still go to work even though there was such a great risk.
Furthermore Rana Plaza broke the basecode of; Living wages are paid, they were told if they didn't go into the building to work they would not be paid for any work they had done. Rana Plaza also broke the; Child labour should not be used, however this was not the case Rana Plaza broke this code and employed many children. Finally Rana Plaza broke the; Working hours should not be excessive code, and also many more laws they broke. Which then led to the building collapsing and the death of more than 1300. Also many more injured and people got arms and legs amputated.
By knowing about the disaster of Rana Plaza makes consumers more weary about where products have been sourced from and certainly I believe that as a retailer you should check your factories to make sure working conditions are safe and ETI basecodes are being followed to derease the chance of another disaster such as this one. To make sure each of your employee's are safe.