Riverside Parks and Recreation Summer Brochure 1 | Page 29

3 rd Annual RIV-inia, Riverside’ s Concert in the Park
Finally, a reason for us all to get together to party in September! Enjoy the company of your neighbors, and the fun family time! Welcome the fall with dancing feet in Guthrie Park. Delicious food
and beverage will be available for purchase.
All Riverside Residents
Friday, September 9
6:30- 9:00 pm
Guthrie Park
Riverside’ s Touch-A-Truck
Most children are simply fascinated with all things motorized! Now’ s their chance to explore the vehicles that excite their senses! Come make the lights flash, honk the horn, sound the siren and get uncover the mysteries of BIG vehicles at Touch-A-Truck!
Who: All Riverside Residents( Children must be accompanied by an adult.)
Thursday, September 22
4:00- 6:00 pm
Centennial Plaza
NFL Punt, Pass & Kick Competition
Established in 1961, and the oldest of the NFL’ s Youth Football Programs, The NFL Punt, Pass & Kick football competition allows youngsters to showcase their talents in punting, passing and kicking with scores based on distance and accuracy. A number of NFL players have competed in NFL Punt, Pass & Kick as children, including top former and current NFL quarterbacks such as Dan Marino, Matt Turk, Vinny Testaverde, Matt Stover, and Brett Favre. With more than three million boys and girls from around the country taking part in PPK competitions every year from July through January, it is one of the world’ s largest youth sports
participation programs.
Who: Ages 6-15 year olds When: Tuesday, August 23, at 5:00 pm Where: Big Ball Park, Longcommon Rd. and Delaplaine Rd. Fee: FREE!
All Participants need to register at http:// www. nflppk. com / competitions / register / index / 23382

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