Riverside Parks and Recreation Summer Brochure 1 | Page 16

SMART START Baseball - Parent/Child My “Little” French Neighborhood - In SMART START Baseball, children and their parents get ready for organized baseball or tee ball without the threat of competition and fear of getting hurt. During the program, parents work together with their child in a supportive environment to learn all of the basic motor skills necessary to prepare their child for tee ball or baseball. (SMART START is a developmental youth sport program from the National Alliance for Youth Sports Association.) Parent-Tot Class. No unpaid sibling participation allowed. Adventures together with some first steps into the whimsical Little French Neighborhood. Stories in French including the popular Babar the elephant, plus absorb a little language as short French words and phrases are sprinkled in with music and song. Imaginative interactive play is around every corner in the Little French Neighborhood. This class is a parent-tot class. Who: When: Where: Instructor: Fee: Min/Max: Program #: Ages 3 to 5 years (Adult/Child) Saturdays, 8:45 - 9:30 am (6 weeks) July 9 – August 13 Harrington Park, Delaplaine Road and Gage Road Recreation Staff $55/$65 NON-RES 6/12 students 212120A Part storytelling, part dance, yoga, improv & comedy = pure enriching FUN!!! Storycise is a workout for your child’s body, mind, and imagination. Performance and communication skills are naturally developed in the vibrant, hilarious and playful atmosphere of Storycise! Who: 3 – 6 year olds When: Tuesdays, 3:00 - 3:40 pm August 2 to August 23 Where: Water Tower, 10 Pine Ave. Instructor: The Storycise! Team Fee: $35/$40 Non-Res Min/Max: 6/10 Program #: 215063A My “Little” French Neighborhood Parent/Child Class What better way to learn French then alongside your bébé. Adventures together with some first steps into the whimsical Little French Neighborhood. Stories in French including the popular Babar the elephant, plus absorb a little language as short French words and phrases are sprinkled in with music and song. Imaginative interactive play is around every corner in the Little French Neighborhood. This class is with a parent or guardian. Who: When: Where: Instructor: Fee: Min/Max: Program #: Birth to 18 months old with parent of guardian Tuesdays, 9:45 - 10:30 am May 31 to June 28 (6 weeks) United Methodist Church, 82 Woodside Rd. Shara Doliget $60/$65 NON-RES 4/15 213700C Parent/Child Class Who: When: Where: Instructor: Fee: Min/Max: Program #: 18 months old - 3 years old Tuesdays, 10:40 - 11:25 am May 31 to June 28 (6 weeks) United Methodist Church, 82 Woodside Rd. Shara Doliget $60/$65 NON-RES 4/15 213700C1 My French Neighborhood - 4 to 5 years old What fun to be in the neighborhood! My French Neighborhood is dedicated to nos petits enfants and is an interactive time both in French and English featuring puppets, music and much more. Lots of story time and playing in our neighborhood, as we learn some greetings, phrases and songs. Come meet Monsieur Lapin and ses amis. It’s fun to be in the neighborhood and you will fit right in! Who: When: Where: Instructor: Fee: Min/Max: Program #: 4 - 5 years old Tuesdays, 3:45 - 4:30 pm May 31 to June 28 (6 weeks) United Methodist Church, 82 Woodside Rd. Shara Doliget $72/$77 NON-RES 4/15 213700C2 Children’s Birthday Parties Are you looking for a fun, unique, and affordable party experience for your child’s next birthday? If so, the Recreation Department has everything you need to make your event special for your child and easy for you. Sure the cake, gifts and guest are vital ingredients for a great birthday party, but to elevate a party into the realm of awesome, you need to have the perfect birthday party theme. Contact the office to speak to a party planner to find out more information regarding our SUPERHERO and PRINCESS party packages. The multi-purpose room in the Historic Water Tower is available for rent in 3 hour blocks, we’ll take care of the set-up, and clean up…you just bring the fun. Rentals based on availability, and must be made at least 2 weeks in advance. Contact the office for more information (708) 442-7025 16