Riverside Highlights Issue 18 Half Term Highlights 2017-18
S H R E W S B U R Y H O S T S F I R S T T E D x YO U T H E V E N T
she believes it has travelled from
tial speakers, each with a their
own unique interpretation on what its roots.
the theme meant to them.
Our guest speaker, Archawat
After careful consideration of the Charoensilp is a parent from
applications, two-minute pitches, within talked about his predictions
and interviews, were very lucky to and vision for the future of global
be able to shortlist five extremely economics. Exploring trends in the
global economy, he touched on
passionate individuals, each with
The year-long process began the
the juxtaposing forces of global-
some very engaging insight and
organising team acquiring a li-
cense from the TED headquarters opinion into topics - ranging from isation and localisation, and pre-
autism to interdisciplinary learning sented the idea that perhaps local-
in New York, including midnight
isation is the new globalisation.
- that do not typically receive
Skype interviews, a plethora of
forms and paperwork to complete. much attention outside the arenas
of school work, sports, drama, and In the field of education, a rising
topic of interest is interdisciplinary
Our chosen theme for the confer- music.
learning. Natcha (Pun Pun)
ence, ‘(Re)focus’, was inspired by
Yongphiphatwong gave an inspir-
the constantly changing opinions Drawing from her own personal
experiences with gender discrimi- ing talk, looking at the deep-
in the modern world, fluctuating
rooted connections between
social norms, and the increasingly nation, Year 11 student Karuna
seemingly distinct academic sub-
Taesopapong discussed the ne-
interconnected world; a broad
cessity of feminism and how far
theme that generated an equally
Continued on page 4
wide range of topics from poten-
The first ever TEDxYouth event
took place at Shrewsbury Interna-
tional School Bangkok on the 20th
of September, featuring a group
of five inspiring speakers, selected
from within the school commu-