Riverside Highlights Issue 17 Half Term Highlights Term 3b 2016-17 | Page 23
Community action was on the agenda for Years 7 and 8 in their Learning for
Life (LfL) lessons this term, each year group undertaking a special project,
described below:
THE VOICE (report by Angie 7VW)
In our LfL Lessons, Y7 were considering some of the themes that have been
raised and discussed by the Student Council this year, thinking of practical
ways in which they can help to make the school a better place.
“The Voice” project saw the students in each Y7 collaborating on a cam-
paign that addressed themes such as bullying, the cost of residential trips
and sports fixtures, and the provision of activities during lunch breaks. Just
before the half term break, each Form group were given the opportunity to
present their ideas in a special Y7 assembly.
All the campaigns were really well considered and very persuasive, but par-
ticular congratulations go to 7CD who led a beautiful piece of English litera-
ture and poetry mixed with an informative presentation on anti-bullying.
Thank you to Ms. Garnett, Ms. Carpino and all the other leaders who were
able to make this possible.
In our LfL lessons, Year 8 were learning about ‘Social Enterprise’; where small businesses use commercial
strategies in a creative way not only to gain profit, but also to benefit social well-being and the environ-
Led by a nominated project manager, each Year 8 form was tasked with creating their own enterprise, fo-
cused on devising, producing and ultimately selling a range of three products to Year 4 customers at a
special charity fair in the Morris Forum.
Having assigned our teammates and tasks, each team sourced the materials for their products, then, work-
ing cooperatively in the time allotted to us during LfL lessons, teams set about constructing their products
and stalls.
There are many reasons to take part in social enterprise projects. Of course, one of the main reasons is to
fundraise for charities, and to give back to society by supporting charities financially. This particular pro-
ject was an opportunity for us to apply the classroom-based knowledge and business principles in a real
life situation.
Overall, the Fair was really successful, and Year 4 students had a very good time with us at the event,
helping us to raise a decent amount of money for charity in the process. The whole process was also ex-
tremely valuable for Year 8 students, and helped us to develop important skills of practical problem solv-
ing and cooperation with team members. To put it simply, we, individually, have learned more thoroughly
about our skills and together as a strong team whose work can assist others in our local community.