Riverside Highlights Issue 17 Half Term Highlights Term 3b 2016-17 | Page 14
The Fairbairn Exhibition Finals day for 2017 was held at the beginning
of June. Nearly 60 children from Year 6 had applied for the competi-
tion this year, with 16 winning through to the finals.
On the Thursday afternoon the Finalists completed a reading com-
prehension and discussion activity on the theme “Korea” – linking to
the recent elections in the South Korea. The article looked at the his-
tory of the Korean peninsula since the start of the 20 th century – with
a detailed comparison between North and South Korea.
On the Friday the children had an interview, debate and shared their
presentations – which had to follow one of the values of integrity,
compassion or creativity.
The debate for this year was titled, ‘This House believes that fidget
spinners should be banned in school’; a theme which saw children
argue passionately both for and against the latest craze to hit
schools worldwide.
As ever, the standard of the presentations was exceptionally high,
giving the judges a really hard task in finding winners. At the end of
the afternoon the points from all the elements were tallied and four
very deserving winners announced. Jesslyn 6JB, Thi-o, 6JB, Alessan-
dro 6SW and Pippa 6SW.
In traditional fashion the four winners received their prizes at the annual Fairbairn Exhibitioners Lunch,
also attended by former winners and their families.
The Fairbairn Exhibition was founded in memory of Mrs Carole Fairbairn, one of the School’s founding
teachers who lost her life in the tragic 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami. The Exhibition is awarded annually
to four Year 6 students who, through a series of Fairbairn exhibition presentations, demonstrate the values
upheld by Carole Fairbairn both in her teaching and throughout her life. Her heartfelt dedication, creative
talent and flair, and articulate communication are qualities which all of the award winners are expected to
embody throughout their careers in the Senior School.
Shrewsbury’s Artist of the Term for Term 3 is
Por (Year 10). Her work for the “Bangkok”
themed project was inspired by traditional
flower arrangements that are typically found
in the Buddhist Wats throughout Thailand.
The collection fea-
tures rich a variety of
media, from paint-
ings, to press prints,
to intricate material
and needlework
pieces. Por will be
looking to progress
some of her GCSE
work over the summer break: we look forward
to seeing her creations next term!