Happy 21st Anniversary to
San Diego Bead Society!
www.sdbeadsociety.org, Agnes Montano, President
RitzyToo Magazine has undertaken a series of articles to profile
and honor the important role that Bead Societies fill for bead enthusiasts and their respective local communities.
This issue we have had the privilege of working with
Agnes Montano, President of the San Diego Bead Society, and
we heartily congratulate her and the entire San Diego Bead Society, on this their 21st anniversary, for the dynamic role they have
shown us all!
As you read this exciting bead society profile you will discover the
distinguished beading heritage they have created in San Diego,
the power that can be realized by the sincere application of the
‘Givers Gain’ principle, and the immense possibilities that await
those bead enthusiasts who apply another great principle...
’carpe diem!’
6| October-November | RitzyToo! | RitzyToo.com