RitzyToo! August-September 2016 | Page 30

First, you will need to wicker the Rivoli Swarovski. The concept is simple: for Delica beads #11 (measuring diameter of 12 mm Rivoli), exactly 30 beads will be needed. String them on a thread (at one end of the thread make a reasonably visible knot, so that the bead will anchor on it and won’t fall off); lock it in a ring (we enter the needle into the first of the stacked beads). Thread’s tail past the knot can be cut off, so it won’t be distracting. Continue to string beads one by one, sticking the needle through a bead of the newly formed ring (second row becomes staggered). When we reach the end of the row, you will need to check for one thing: we enter the needle (with the thread on which the last bead in the row is sitting) simultaneously into two (sequentially) beads: in the last bead of the first row (the same ring that consists of 30 beads) and the first bead of the new row. 30| August-September | RitzyToo! | RitzyToo.com