RitzyToo! August-September 2015 | Page 13

Here are some of the preliminary proof results from that early process. In one of Dr. Lipton's most important experiments, he proved that when he took a "sick" cancer cell from a "sick" body, and transferred it to a healthy environment, the cell recovered quickly and behaved normally. And in ongoing epigenetic trials, half the patients are in complete remission from cancer! Additional Proof: The findings of Russian scientists are "already being applied in some European academic hospitals with great success on various skin cancers. The cancer is cured without any remaining scars." They have also been able to influence cellular metabolism and even remedy genetic defects. This research appears to prove that your genetic destiny is not fixed or pre-determined. There are simple ways to switch "off" your faulty inherited genes and switch "on" the genetic activity leading to a healthy, vibrant life. Epigenetic scientists are now documenting how anyone can use epigenetics to "rewrite" the way their genes express themselves—and this in turn leads to spontaneous remission from diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Here are just a few issues that your genes control or influence: Predispose you to being fat or thin Make you susceptible to developing cancer, heart disease, or any other disease that "runs in the family" Control the manner in which you age Predispose you toward a stronger or weaker immune system The Institute of HeartMath has entirely exploded the myth that DNA is permanently fixed. Human DNA was placed in a sealed test tube. Test subjects who were selected and trained to generate focused feelings, were able to intentionally cause a change in the shape of the DNA. Negative emotions, produced at will, caused the two strands that comprise human DNA to wind more tightly. Heart-centered feelings of love and appreciation caused the DNA strands to unwind and exhibit positive changes in just 2 minutes. If you find this fascinating, do a google search and learn the latest in this field of science! RitzyToo.com | RitzyToo! |August-September | 13