With Stephanie
We all like to think we lead a healthy
lifestyle, even when we insist on
having pizza 3 days in a row is
#treatingyourself. I took some time
out to explore the eating habits of
Steph on Instagram, to learn more
about veganism and also educate
Ritzy’s readers.
Ve g a n i s m m a k e s y o u l i v e l o n g e r
There’s not really a long story behind
it, but I started to go vegan for the
animals and then for my health. I
just believe having a plant based,
whole food diet is the healthiest.
Yeah! It helped my skin a
lot. Cutting out dairy and
sugar and healthier carbs
like brown rice instead of
white etc.
I think having a healthy
vegan diet could yes.
But people can still be
unhealthy as a vegan, so
it depends. Sugar and
refined carbs can still
be eaten so it definitely
depends on the rest of
the diet.
Same with processed
vegan food like “fake
meat” etc. it’s not exactly