Ritzy Issue 1 trial pages | Page 20

With Stephanie We all like to think we lead a healthy lifestyle, even when we insist on having pizza 3 days in a row is #treatingyourself. I took some time out to explore the eating habits of Steph on Instagram, to learn more about veganism and also educate Ritzy’s readers. Ve g a n i s m m a k e s y o u l i v e l o n g e r There’s not really a long story behind it, but I started to go vegan for the animals and then for my health. I just believe having a plant based, whole food diet is the healthiest. Yeah! It helped my skin a lot. Cutting out dairy and sugar and healthier carbs like brown rice instead of white etc. 13 I think having a healthy vegan diet could yes. But people can still be unhealthy as a vegan, so it depends. Sugar and refined carbs can still be eaten so it definitely depends on the rest of the diet. Same with processed vegan food like “fake meat” etc. it’s not exactly healthy.