Ritzy Issue 1 trial pages | Page 18

Your month is full of surprises, romance is on the cards and a large pay check is coming your way. Working with others will be a highlight of your month meeting new faces and coming to terms with new beginnings. Your colour this month is: Blue Your lucky number this month is: 3 Libra You may need to rethink your career path as things seem to be failing. Take some time out to analyse all possible options and go from there, don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed. Your lucky colour this month is: Pink Your lucky number this month is: 7 Your colour this month is: Red Your lucky number this month is: 8 Gemini Don’t beat your things go wrong, up and start again, unnecessarily Your lucky colour Your lucky numb This month you attend a party at which you create friendships built to last for life. You fall out with old friends but this doesn’t keep you down, you work on yourself and enjoy your own company. Your lucky colour this month is: Green Your lucky number this month is: 1 Scorpio After last month’s disastrous events things are finally getting back on track for you. New opportunities come your way and nothing seems to be in the way, shoot for the stars and you will succeed. Your lucky colour this month is: Yellow Your lucky number this month is: 10 11 Sagitta Can If things are get you, take a break. yourself the best, c Find peace in the o walks and let y Your lucky colour Your lucky numb