Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2021 | Page 82

saw the two lodges as daughters of the defunct GOPR but , although the older Russian left had inclined more towards the GODF , the more recently recruited Brethren were closer to the GLDF . As a result , there was frequent movement from one obedience to the other . Unfortunately , the only surviving evidence of their activities is a single Tracing Board and a circular document informing the GODF lodges about the famine raging in the USSR in 1934 . The North Star , established by the Councilor of the Order Van Raalte on December 3 , 1924 , met bimonthly and practiced the French Rite . At its creation , it consisted of a small elite group of militant democrats . Its first Worshipful Master , Nikolai Avksentiev ( 1878 – 1943 ), was initiated into a GOPR lodge and became president of the Ligue russe des droits de l ’ homme ( Russian Human Rights League ) while in exile in France . His deputy in the League was Manuil Margulies , First Warden of the lodge . The Second Warden , Mirkin-Getzevich , was a professor of international law and member of the International Peace Bureau who was initiated into Pythagore Lodge in 1922 . The Orator was Maklakov , who had rejoined L ’ Avant-Garde Maçonnique in 1920 , while the Treasurer was Nikolay Poradyelov ( 1887 – 1948 ), a former colonel and head of security at the Winter Palace , Kerensky ’ s bodyguard , and former GOPR Brother , who joined Astrée in 1922 . The other lodge officers were not émigrés ; some had been previously initiated into or affiliated with Astrée .
The Brethren included , among others , the Secretary Léon Kroll ( 1871 – 1931 ), who had been initiated into The
Ritual , Secrecy , and Civil Society
Little Bear in 1910 and , according to the Vichy files , was later symbolically reinitiated , as were other former GOPR Brethren in the GLDF ; General Teplov , colonel of the Izmaylovsky Guard Regiment and later brigadier general and commissar of the Finland Regiment , who had been initiated in 1907 into The North Star and affiliated with The Little Bear in 1910 ; and Vladimir Zenzinov ( 1881 – 1953 ), a close friend of Kerensky , member of the Central Committee of the SR , and member of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet in 1917 , who had been initiated in 1909 into The North Star .
The Worshipful Masters were , in order , Avksentiev ; Pereverzev in 1929 ; Margulies in 1931 ; Avksentiev again ; the Doctor of Law Abram Alperin in 1933 ; Mikhayl Ter-Pogossian , a former SR who had been elected , like Nikolay Makeev , to the Constituent Assembly dispersed by the Bolsheviks ; and , finally , Michael Ossorguine in 1938 . Judging by the number of voters in the election of the Worshipful Master ( thirty-four votes in 1934 ), the lodge likely had between eighty and ninety Brethren , including some who also belonged to Free Russia . A chapter was constituted on December 17 , 1931 , with Avksentiev as Most Wise Athirsata . Its members included the experienced Maklakov , who had been awarded the 18 th degree by Bouley and Sincholle in 1908 , elevated to the 30 th by Camille Savoire in 1925 , and elevated to the 33 rd in September of the same year .
The second lodge , Free Russia , which practiced the AASR , was opened