Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2021 | Page 71

The Relationship Between Russian and French Freemasonry ( 1905 – 1945 )
流亡 , 尤其是在巴黎 , 他们在那里的法国大东方共济会和法 国共济会总会所重新组建了新会所 。 巴黎的俄罗斯共济会将 成为处于流亡的自由派俄罗斯文化的温室之一 。 这些流亡中 的俄罗斯共济会会所在 20 世纪 60 年代逐步消失 … 但一些出席 过这些会所的共济会成员 — 通常是俄罗斯流亡共济会成员第 二代 — 将在 1990 年后参与复兴俄罗斯共济会 。
关键词 : 俄罗斯共济会 , Maksim Kovalevsky ( 1851-1916 年 ) , Vasily Maklakov ( 1869 – 1957 年 ), Astrée 共济会会所 ( Astrée lodge ), 自由俄罗斯共济会会所 ( Free Russia Lodge ), 亚历山大 · 克伦斯基 ( 1881-1970 年 ), Vassili Maklakov ( 1869- 1957 年 ), Leontiy Kandaurov

The Revolution of 1905 , which was sparked by the Russo-Japanese War and Tsar Nicholas II ’ s refusal to relinquish his autocratic rule , set the stage for the reestablishment of Masonry in Russia . In the wake of the massacre of January 1905 , the Tsar issued a manifesto on October 17 , 1905 , in which he promised a constitution guaranteeing individual freedoms and a State Duma elected by universal male suffrage , although the decisions of the Duma would still be subject to the approval of a State Council appointed by the Tsar . The first election , on May 10 , 1906 , was won by the Constitutional Democratic Party ( K-D or Kadets ), which consisted of liberals as well as former Socialist Revolutionaries ( SR ). It won 179 seats against the ( liberal ) Labor Group ’ s 136 . It formed an alliance with the Popular Socialists or Trudoviks , but the State Council opposed its plans and the first Duma was dissolved . The K-D lost ground in the elections for the second Duma in March 1907 , winning

63 only 92 seats , while the more moderate Octobrists and the socialists performed better . In June of that year , however , the second Duma was also dissolved after a wave of attacks that shook the Empire . The electoral law was modified to the benefit of the landed gentry , and the third Duma , which was dominated by the Octobrists and conservatives , was more docile . It remained in place until November 1912 , when a fourth Duma was elected with a similar composition . The February Revolution in 1917 put an end to the monarchy and initiated the only period of democracy in Russia ’ s history . Russian Masons were finally able to gain power , although the governments that followed were weakened by military and economic difficulties .
I . 1905 – 1909 : Renaissance

It took a powerful personality , as well as several Russian Masons who had been initiated in France and had returned to their country to participate in