Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2021 | Page 69

The Relationship Between Russian and French Freemasonry ( 1905 – 1945 )

The Relationship Between Russian and French Freemasonry ( 1905 – 1945 )

By André Combes
Ritual , Secrecy , and Civil Society • Vol . 8 , No . 1 • Spring 2021
The Revolution of 1905 was going to force the tsarist regime of Russia to liberalize itself . It was at this time that freemasonry was reborn in Russia after a long period of prohibition in the 19th century . Lodges are created in Moscow and St . Petersburg . Many Russians had ties to Paris and it there that they became Freemasons . The Grand Orient de France and the Grand Lodge of France have been very much involved in this renaissance of Russian Masonry . The new Russian Lodges welcomed mainly social democrats and liberals . Between 1909 and 1917 , the Russian Lodges will become more and more involved in political issues . Many of the actors of the first Revolution of 1917 — foremost among them Prime Minister Kerensky — are zealous Masons . The failure of this first Social Democratic Revolution and the advent of the Bolsheviks will lead to the elimination of Freemasonry in what was to become the Soviet Union . The Russian Masons take the path of exile , especially in Paris , where they reconstituted their Lodges , either in the Grand Orient of France or the Grand Lodge of France . This Russian Freemasonry in Paris will be one of the conservatories of liberal Russian culture in exile . These Russian Lodges in exile progressively disappeared in the 1960s .... But some Masons — often belonging to the second generation of Russian exile — who attended them will participate in the rebirth of freemasonry in Russia after 1990 .
Keywords : Russian Masonry , Maksim Kovalevsky ( 1851 – 1916 ), Vasily Maklakov ( 1869 – 1957 ), Astrée Lodge , Free Russia Lodge , Alexander Kerensky ( 1881-1970 ), Vassili Maklakov ( 1869-1957 ), Leontiy Kandaurov
La relación entre la masonería rusa y francesa ( 1905-1945 ) Resumen
La Revolución de 1905 iba a obligar al régimen zarista de Rusia a liberalizarse . Fue en este momento que la masonería renació en Rusia después de un largo período de prohibición en el siglo XIX .
61 doi : 10.18278 / rscs . 8.1.6