Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2021 | Page 63

The Grand Orient of the United States of America : A Modern Masonic Experiment ?
pursuing their respective careers , Brant Smith is a lecturer and David Tamayo is currently involved with the Hispanic American Freethinkers .
As Jeff Peace commented on the competing internal factions that brought an end to the project :
‘ It started to attract Masons from the fringes of the Order ; Freemasons who wanted women to join , Freemasons who wanted a more magical experience , Freemasons who wanted to restore old-school Masonry . Slifko for example wanted to introduce a more ‘ Liberal ’ form of Freemasonry that conflicted with other members , who wanted a wide-range of esoterica . It became a sanctuary for many kinds of disenfranchised
Masons , GOUSA becoming all things to all people , which eventually tore it apart , leaving the original core of Masons at its heart . The cause of GOUSA was the reason for the decline of GOUSA , and the project came full circle .’
Even the abbreviated version ‘ GOUSA ’ sounded like a mantra from a US Presidential election ; positive , catchy and aimed at the patriotic young thirty-somethings who are fed fashionable buzz words to digest . Like those mantras , they get thrown away after the election is over and the politicians and campaigners are burnt out . As we have seen however , the same mantras can get re-used in different forms , the past eventually repeating itself once again .