Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2021 | Page 51

The Grand Orient of the United States of America : A Modern Masonic Experiment ?
to Peavy , it was designed as an honorary lodge for the founding members , a special select lodge that appealed to the ‘ secret society within a secret society ’ theme that ran through the ethos of GOUSA . 14 Jeff Peace recalls that the lodge was founded and given the number 1 status to save arguments concerning the numbering of the other lodges . There is no evidence that the lodge actually met .
Halcyon Lodge No . 2 was perhaps the most active under GOUSA , the building being used as a base for the Grand Orient . Its members included Tom Coste and Ken Miller who were visibly active on internet blogs that supported the cause at the time . Coste , who had also been a Past Master of Rocky River Lodge # 703 , and had been struck-off the register for his support of Halcyon , seems to have been instrumental in organising and managing local activities in the Halcyon building , such as creating an art space , coffee shop and even a boxing ring , all in an effort to make the building pay . The lodge had voted to split from the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 2007 , and the lengthy and costly court case that followed only came to an end in December 2009 , when the courts found in favour of Halcyon . The courts found that the lodge followed the provisions of its bylaws and was allowed to keep its assets . 15 The lodge had changed its number by 2008 to No . 2 , reflecting a restructuring within the GOUSA administration . By 2013 , internet news about the building started to dry up , and according to Peace , the building became semi-derelict , having suffered a roof collapse which also destroyed some of the documents that were stored there . Thefts at the property followed and the once grand building looked to have an uncertain future . Recently however , the lease of the building was sold to an indoor rock climbing company and crucial repairs have been carried out .
Lodge Euclid No . 3 was based in Grand Rapids , Michigan and was led by erstwhile Grand Secretary Brandt Smith . The lodge had a relatively short association with GOUSA , leaving at the end of 2009 , and according to a conference phone call in early August 2011 with the Council of the Order that was recorded by David Tamayo , it was discussed that the brethren of Lodge Euclid had left the organisation as they wanted to become a Christian-only lodge . This however was stated to be not true in a post on their blog in December 2010 , with their Worshipful Master at the time Tony Melton attempting to put the record straight :
‘ It has come to my attention that rumours are circulating in some circles that Euclid is allied or affiliated with specific Martinist Orders and / or the Gnostic Church . Let me be very plain here , Euclid is not now , nor will it be in the future , allied or affiliated with any religious or non-Masonic frat-
14 The GOUSA documents kindly sent by Aaron Peavy include a ‘ dispensation ’ for Lodge des Neuf Sœurs , dated March 2008 .
15 Cuyahoga County Court , Case No . 649002 , dated 22 nd December , 2009 .