Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2021 | Page 48

gave instructions in an almost coded format :
‘ The Masters of the dogs serve a secret Master that lurks in the shadows and is seldom seen . His soul is black and cold . He drains the life energy from everything he touches . You must trick him into the Light before he touches you .’
Other messages mentioned names directly :
‘ Each member of your brotherhood is endowed with special gifts that offset weaknesses in the others . Together your brotherhood is more powerful than any of you could possibly imagine .
Chris Michalek brings strategy .
Joel Michalek brings common sense and utility .
Jeff Peace brings vision and insight .
Think about these things and you will begin to see how all of you are unique .
When you learn to utilize these special qualities , as brothers held together by indissoluble bonds , you will discover their full potential . At this moment Scott Kelly is applying his gifts in your battle for freedom . He will lose this conflict unless all of you combine your gifts to support him . He has extreme confidence in his skills but not in himself .
We have given you the tools to strengthen your brotherhood . Use them !
Ritual , Secrecy , and Civil Society
Faith ’
Peace gave a different and more sinister view on the whole ‘ Eye of the Blind ’ affair :
‘ The Eye of the Blind event was specifically directed at Halcyon Lodge during their litigation with the Grand Lodge of Ohio . The mysterious “ prophecies ” and statements contained allusions to the case and architectural aspects of the Westside Masonic Temple where Halcyon had met regularly since 1929 . One of these architectural features hadn ’ t existed since the 1960s , and there were no photographs of it . This along with the sophisticated masking of IP addresses led to a theory regarding its origins . It was determined that the Eye of the Blind was not the work of one person but two or more . One of which must have been a member prior to 1960 and the other ( s ) with extensive knowledge of Information Technology . John Slifko chose to view it as some sort of internal cabal , while those with an intimate knowledge of the ongoing litigation saw it as a veiled threat from the Grand Lodge of Ohio .’
So , as Peace suggests , these curious cryptic messages may have been an attempt by outsiders to manipulate the Halcyon legal case , or as Slifko alleged , it may have been an attempt to create a secretive inner circle with coded communication . Either way , ‘ The Eye of the Blind ’ shenanigans provide a bizarre insight to the GOUSA world at this time , the events being not dissim-