Ritual , Secrecy , and Civil Society
Explanation of the Tents and their Letters
The Tent S . of the kn ts of East & west & c at the top of the draught , go from that round against the sun and read on when you will find the words Salix Nonis . The camp of the Pentagon , read as above , and you will find the word Tengu . These three words Joyned , form the Initials of the following Prophecy in French / viz t / Soutenons aprésent L ’ Invincible Xerxes , Nous offer Notre Incomparable Sacré Trésor , Et nous gagnerons Victorieusement
Which is attempted in English by H . A . Francken thus Support adversity Le Invincible Xerxes Now offered Near Incomparable Sacred Treasure Engaged , Now gives Victory .
To open and close the gr d chapter or Consistory The President says Salix , The 2 grd officers say Nonis , then all together say Tengu which signifies the Rallying of the wise brethren , who have been hitherto separated . The sign is you put your right hand on your heart , then hold it up , and then let it fall on your right side , which sign is made by them altogether
The Sublime Prince will have the possession of our Treasure , as being the old Treasure of the order ; and the knights of Malta who will joyn us , shall have and Enjoy the same honors & Privileges –
The Prince of Jerusalem , shall be honored with the degree of white & black Eagle , and will command the knights of the East , the scotch , the symbolic ’ s and the volunteers , with the password Tripple Pronounced and Elchadai , w ch word signifies Delta
Let us imitate our grand Master Hiram Abif who , to the last placed all his hope in the great architect of the universe , and pronounced the following words , just as he past from this transient life into Eternal Bliss Spes mea In deo Est
Finis [ Sceau ] H . A . Franchen Pr . Of the R : St . and Senior Depty grd Inspr over all Lodges , Council , Chapters & over the two Hemispheres – In Kingston Jamaica , in the year of light near the B : B . 7783