Ritual , Secrecy , and Civil Society
The Royal Secret , or the Rendevous of the Sublime Prince ---
Instructions for the Re-union of the Brothers knights , Princes and Commanders of the Royal Secret or Kadoch , which signifies the Holy Brothers separated .
Frederic the 3 rd king of Prussia , grand Master and commander in chief sovereign of sovereign & c & c with an army composed of the knights Prince of the white and black Eagle , Including Prussians , English and French likewise joined by the Prince of Libanus or the Royal Ax , the knights of Rose cross or S t Andrew , Kn ts of East & West , the Princes of Jerusalem , kn ts of East , the g rd Elected perfect & sublime , kn ts of the Royal arch , kn ts subl me Elected & c & c & c .
The description of the draught or camp –
The equilateral triangle in the center of the draft represents the centre of the army and shews where the knights of Malta are to be placed / who have been admitted into our mysteries / who have shewn themselves faithful guardians of the order – They are to be joyned with the knights of the white and black Eagle .
The corps in the pentagone , is to be commanded by 5 princes who are to take the command , joyntly , or by rotations according to their degrees , and receives their orders immediately from the sovereign of sovereigns gr d M er Commander in chief .
These 5 Princes shall fix their standers in the 5 angles of the pentagon , represented in the above drought in the following manner ( vis t .) 1st the standard or flag T , bearing arms as golden Lion , holding in his mouth a golden key , and wearing a golden collar with these letters on said collar S . Q . S . – Said Lion in an azure field ; at the bottom of said flag these word ad majorem Dei gloriam . 2d The Standard or flag E . bearing arms an Inflamed heart with gules , sable winged , crowned with a laurel Syn cope [ pour sinople ?] -- the field argent . 3d The Standard or flag N . bearing arms a spread Eagle – with two heads , a glden crown connecting both heads – in a form of a collar . Said Eagle holding a naked sword – in his right claw the point downwards and a bloody heart in his left claw – the field light green . 4th The Standard or flag G . Bearing an Ox sable , in a field of or / or gold /. 5th The flag or Standard U . bearing the Ark of the covenant , with 2 light green palmtrees , in a Purple Field ; at the bottom of the flag , these words Laus Deo –
The Heptagon represented above , points out the Encampment of the Princes of Libannus & Jerusalem who are to receive their order from the princes abovemention ’ d
The Eneagon represented above , is the encampment of the masons of all denominations as shall be explained hereafter – Note : That every tent represents a whole camp ; an d the flags & Pendants points out the different degrees of Masonry ; and each letter distinguishes the flags is taken from these words which we made use of in this sublime degree – thus the degree of the Rose = Cross or St Andrews , or white Eagle will be distinguished by a white flag and pendant Stained a little with red – and is represented by the FLAG S .