Ritual, Secrecy and Civil Society Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2013 | Page 60

Ritual , Secrecy , and Civil Society
striking the palm of the hand against the left shoulder , cried huzza three times . The Orator next delivered a discourse , and WILSON SMALL delivered an address on behalf of the godfathers . Two young ladies were then selected to make a collection . It was announced that the money so obtained would be given to some needy brother whose name would not be publicly known , if there were any such known to a brother present , or it would be given to the Grand Almoner , who would send it to a distressed brother , without the knowledge of anyone but the Master , and the brother would not know where it came from .
The Grand Master then said : " The labors of the day are concluded ; may they be profitable to all . Go in peace ; and may our father in Heaven bless and prosper us in all our laudable undertakings . Amen ."
The brethren then retired in procession , in the same order as they entered , and the lodge was closed .