Ritual, Secrecy and Civil Society Vol. 7, No. 1, Fall, 2019 | Page 24

De Grasse-Tilly and the Early Supreme Council : 1786 – 1802
favoured us with a visit and who has approved our work in the capacity of Inspector General , for a Letter of Pass because of his destitution and need and in view of this , the dear brother Long was not able to be asked in writing the cause of his indisposition . The Master asked on the two columns if they were willing to grant a Letter of Pass for which he asked all brethren , who consented unanimously , and it is to be signed by all brethren present . 11
Inspector Long is attending the lodge in a state of destitution and needs assistance in obtaining for himself leave from the city , at the suggestion of the Worshipful Master . In the subsequent meeting , we see Long attending again in a similar situation .
The Master has called to the lodge ’ s attention that dear brother Long , present at today ’ s work in the capacity of Grand Inspector , has refused the gavel which they have turned over to him and they have then applauded the favour which he affords the lodge by his presence . To this applause , dear brother Long responded by like signs ...
Dear brother Long , Grand Inspector , told the lodge that he has come to be assured of the legality of their work . He found it satisfactory according to the rules and he certified this by his signature on the sheet of the day ’ s work . He wishes he could be present longer , but his health does not permit him to attend any longer and he asked for permission to leave the Temple .
He was accompanied by all the Guards armed with swords and draped and he was conducted up to the opening of the Temple under the arch of steel by the Master of Ceremonies with all the honours due to an elevated Mason . The dear brother Grand Inspector offered to sign all the brother ’ s certificates if they so desire and he will be available at 11 o ’ clock tomorrow morning at the regular meeting place to do this ...
The Master has made known to the lodge that it was supplied by the attendance of brother Long , Inspector , with a constitution which opens to brother Masons of the Worshipful La Candeur lodge , the doors of the East , both Ancient and Modern , and that it was also supplied with all the manuscripts of the higher degrees of Masonry which will result in many advantages for the brethren of the lodge . The Past Master told the Worshipful Lodge that brother Long was about to depart and needed Masonic charity and has invited all the brethren to contribute as much as possible to alleviate his unfortunate situation ...
11 January 8 , 1797 . Ibid . 21