Ritual, Secrecy and Civil Society Vol. 7, No. 1, Fall, 2019 | Page 22

De Grasse-Tilly and the Early Supreme Council : 1786 – 1802
It is under this authority that the lodge was established , and the diploma ’ s authority predates the founding of the Grand Orient of France , though the brethren were members of lodges in Saint Domingue under their jurisdiction . There are several accounts of La Candeur writing both to the Grand Lodge in Charleston and to the Provincial Mother Lodge of the Grand Orient of France in Portsmouth , Virginia , as well as the reception of several American brethren working in the Ancients rite , who were attending their lodge . Several Plans of Architecture , in addition , were read in English as well by Americans initiated by La Candeur . This duality of rites is reflected in their ritual book as well , though it appears that they only worked in the Modern rite and not in the Ancients rite , based on the position of the Wardens described in nearly every meeting .
On Saint John ’ s day December 27 , 1796 , the brethren of La Candeur marched in solemn procession to St . Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church , attended a mass , and took the Holy Communion . Their arrival and departure were signalled by the ringing of the church bells , and they returned to the lodge to close the works and retired to a banquet prepared for the occasion at the Grand French Coffee House . Some 50 people were in attendance including several members of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina Ancient York Masons .
The East was especially decorated by the many members sent from the Grand Lodge of this Province and the columns adorned by 30 visiting brethren , all recognized as Masons and admitted to the sublime work . 6
The joint celebration of St . John ’ s Day must have made a lasting impression for both parties as La Candeur petitioned the Grand Lodge to seek recognition as one of its lodges . At the following meeting , a representative of the Grand Lodge attended with this goal in mind .
There was a knock at the door and Tyler announced dear brother Da Costa who announced himself as a deputy of the Grand Lodge of the Province of the Orient of Charleston . The Master of Ceremonies greeted him , and he was introduced and placed in the east . The dear brother deputy remitted to the Master a letter written by the Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Province in answer to that , which the Worshipful La Candeur addressed to it . This letter , written in English , was literally translated by a brother . In substance , it says that it sees with pleasure that the virtuous Masons , dispersed by misfortunes , have re-assembled to work for the perfection of the worthy art which is always disposed to open their arms to all brethren , but that for this we will draw power to work according to their views . It pledges to the Worshipful La Candeur that it will take the
6 December 27 , 1796 . Ibid . 19