Ritual, Secrecy and Civil Society Vol. 6, No. 2, Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 | Page 96

Young Freemasons ?: Frank S . Land ’ s Order of DeMolay Edited and Introduced by Guillermo De Los Reyes
The Order of DeMolay is a puzzle . It originated in the United States but is widespread , with chapters in Italy and Japan , parts of Latin America and Canada , with rituals involving events in medieval Paris . This book was edited by the founder of the order , Frank S . Land , during the early days of the movement , and is a surprising insight into a social phenomenon .
The Unparalleled Sufferings of John Coustos : The Cruel Tortures to Extract the Secrets of Freemasonry by John Coustos
Social history as a corrective to a historiography is often too limited to diplomacy and wars . It began an upward trajectory as early as the 1930s , but it remains constrained by the frustrating cost and availability of materials that even great research libraries lack . This volume is a case in point . Fraternal movements like Freemasonry have impacted society for hundreds of years .
Secrets & Lies in the United Kingdom : Analysis of Political Corruption , Edited by Fabienne Portier-Le Cocq
Secrets & Lies lifts the shroud of secrecy on modern freemasonry in Scotland in the late-18th century , the ‘ Stolen Generations ’ in Australia from the early 1900s- late 1970s , Enoch Powell ’ s motives for resigning , the ‘ culture of secrecy ’ of English police forces , and the paradoxical co-existence of secrecy and transparency in the English justice system .
The Symbolic Tradition of Freemasonry Edited by Pierre Mollier The productivity and sophistication of researchers in Europe has meant that important progress in the field has been neglected because of the language barrier . Bridging that gap , Pierre Mollier has brought to the editorship of the series his enormous knowledge as museum director , rare book librarian , and top archivist .

All of these titles , and many more , are available at Westphalia Press westphaliapress . org