Ritual, Secrecy and Civil Society Vol. 6, No. 2, Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 | Page 92

Masonic Regularity and Recognition : A Global Issue by Roger Dachez , Introduction by Alain Bauer “ The issue of regularity and recognition in Freemasonry is examined here from a mainly French point of view , because France is essentially the only major Masonic country in the world where this debate is so complicated ... I also think that it is possible to bring out questions that go well beyond the purely French context and that might be useful for a truly global approach ...”
Masonic Secret Signs and Passwords : The 1856 Edition of Jeremy L . Cross ’ s The True Masonic Chart
Contrary to what people think about Masonic secrecy , over the centuries a number of books have revealed what goes on in lodges . Certainly Jeremy Cross was relied on as a crib for nervous officers when they put on degrees , and his readers were not just the curious , but the Freemasons themselves who wanted to improve their ritual work .
Masonic Tombstones and Masonic Secrets :
Dora C . Jett ’ s Minor Sketches of Major Folk Masonic funeral ceremonies , the placing of the apron and sprig of acacia in the coffin , and internment rites at burial are part of Craft ’ s rituals . The carvings on tombstones of Masonic cemeteries are a source of esoteric engravings and guide to evolving initiations and degrees . For the historian , a great value is the evidence they provide of past associations between the brethren behind the doors of the lodge .
Meeting Minutes of Naval Lodge No . 4 F . A . A . M . 1812 Edited and Introduced by Isaiah Akin
This book contains the Meeting minutes of Naval Lodge No . 4 F . A . A . M . of Washington DC from 1812 , along with articles about the people mentioned and the Washington Navy Yard where many of them worked , and gives insight into Freemasonry in early America .
Melodies for the Craft , or Songs for Freemasons
Suitable for Every Occasion by R . Fellow Fraternal movements like Freemasonry have impacted society for hundreds of years . Yet , over time research into their undoubted influence has been handicapped by their codes of secrecy , arcane rituals , and the paucity of continuing tertiary research projects . As a step towards “ more light ” Westphalia Press has produced a number of scarce titles that will be helpful in understanding the “ secret empire ” of lodges , initiations , and ( candidly ) the deliberately inscrutable .