Risks of Contact Lens vis a vis LASIK Surgery April. 2014

Risks of Contact Lens vis a vis LASIK Surgery Are LASIK procedures safe? Well known Eye surgeon, Dr Kevin Niksarli feels that LASIK Surgery is not completely risk free but the associated risks of Contact Lenses are much higher. According to Kevin Niksarli, M.D. of Manhattan LASIK Center, even though the LASIK Procedure is not without risk, wearing contacts has its own risks. Persons who use Contact Lens always face the everpresent risk of infections. Any LASIK procedure is always preceded by a mandatory pumping of antibiotics, which negates the chances of infections to a large extent. LASIK procedures are carried out under inert conditions. Such measures are just not possible with the daily use of contact lenses. Though the LASIK procedure is not without risks still Dr Niksarli feels that the hassle of contacts and the lifetime costs of wearing contacts, coupled with the ever present dangers of infections, it may be wise to consider the LASIK Procedure. Persons who use contact lens and live in the warm and humid climate are more prone to get infections from contact lenses. Often considering the fast paced corporate life makes it impossible to employ the recommended procedures for using the contact lenses. Often users go to bed without removing the contact lenses and are one of the chief reasons for the infections. It is of paramount importance that the person immediately seeks medical attention as soon as the contacts become irritating. Dr Kevin Niksarli warns that untreated infections can worsen the eyesight and can also lead to partial or complete blindness. Sanitation of the contact lens must be ensured without fail. Misuse of contact lens can lead to potentially sight threatening damage to the cornea. Dr Kevin warns that persons who are used to wearing contact lens overnight regardless of any type have an increased chance of developing infections of the Cornea. The infections are precipitated by improper cleaning and lens care. Over wearing of the Contact lens for long periods can also lead to irreparable corneal damage. Contact lens must be avoided by persons with:     Recurrent eye infections Severe allergies Dry eye Dusty or dirty job environment