Risk & Business Magazine Spectrum Insurance Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 8

EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN INSURANCE WHAT DOES EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN INSURANCE COVER? It is important to understand the coverage you receive with your equipment breakdown policy. If you hold an older policy, you may want to review it with Spectrum Insurance Group to be sure it covers any new high-tech equipment you may have purchased. Typically, the following is covered under an equipment breakdown policy: Property Damage — cost to repair or replace damaged equipment due to an accident. Off-Premises Property Damage— covers portable equipment damaged away from the covered location. Business Income—covers the loss of income as a result of a covered accident until equipment is repaired or replaced. Also allows for additional time after repair or replacement to ensure that the business is operating at full capacity. Contingent Business Income— covers income loss after an equipment breakdown at an essential customer or supplier location. Service Interruption— covers business income and extra expenses after a breakdown at a supplier with whom the insured has a contract. If no contract exists, the equipment must be located within one mile of the insured’s location. Services such as waste disposal, air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, natural gas, compressed air, water, steam, electrical power, and communications are often included. Considering the reliance many businesses have on Internet access, it is important to note that this may also cover your loss of business due to a mechanical or electrical breakdown in your Internet Servive Provider’s servers or other equipment. It will not, however, cover nonphysical damage such as that caused by computer viruses. Hazardous Substances—pays to clean, repair, or replace areas that are contaminated by hazardous substances released in a covered loss. Data Restoration—pays for the restoration of lost or damaged data. Newly Acquired Locations—pays for damage to newly acquired locations. Errors and Omissions—covers locations that are outlined in the policy. Brands and Labels—reimburses for loss when having to sell a damaged product for less than retail price. Demolition Extra Expense—covers additional expenses used to keep the business going after a covered loss, such as equipment rental fees. Perishable Goods —covers food spoilage, manufactured goods, or other perishable items after a covered incident. Ordinance or Law—covers costs associated with complying with building codes and laws (other than demolition). Expediting Expense—covers the temporary or permanent repairs necessary for basic business activity. Waiver of In-Use Restriction— pays for damaged equipment that was not in operation at the time of a covered accident. Computer Equipment and CFC Coverage. + COUNT ON THE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY EXPERTS Consult Spectrum Insurance Group today to learn more about equipment breakdown insurance to combat costly, and often unforeseen, problems at your place of business. We have the commercial property expertise to help you mitigate your risks and protect your bottom line. spectruminsurancegroup.com 8