5 Strategies For Reducing
Health Benefits Costs In
For the past two decades , health costs have increased each year . This happens for a variety of reasons , such as inflation or , say , a global pandemic . With that in mind , employers can bank on prices going up in 2022 .
According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers ( PwC ) report , medical costs are projected to increase 6.5 % in 2022 . This is about average for the past decade ; although , it is slightly lower than the 7 % increase projected this year ( as more spending goes toward the COVID-19 pandemic ).
Yet , 6.5 % is still a considerable increase , especially when so many budgets have been reallocated or slashed due to the pandemic . That ’ s why employers must think both strategically and creatively about how they can lower their health benefits expenses in 2022 .
This article includes five ways to help reduce spending without compromising benefits quality .