Risk & Business Magazine Nesbit Agencies Winter 2018 | Page 26

GROUP COVERAGE VS MEDICARE GROUP COVERAGE VS MEDICARE AFTER AGE 65 N avigating the healthcare landscape isn’t easy. It isn’t easy for those under the age of 65 who have the options of private healthcare, the healthcare marketplace, or employer- offered group coverage, and it really isn’t easy for those over the age of 65 who have Medicare programs thrown into the mix. For those over 65 who have coverage through their employers, it’s essential to understand that you still have to make a few Medicare enrollment decisions. There are two primary parts of 26 Medicare, and often, it can be to your advantage to delay enrollment in one or both of them if you already have insurance coverage. THE TWO PARTS OF MEDICARE TO BE CONCERNED WITH ARE: • Part A: Hospital Insurance, and • Part B: Medical Insurance. Most of the time, if you don’t enroll in Part B when you first have the option to, you will be required to pay a late enrollment fee. If you already have coverage with your employer, however, you can delay that enrollment without the penalty (and still have the option to enroll at a later date). A lot of people choose to take advantage of this because Part B has a monthly premium associated with it and the additional coverage that would be offered by Part B isn’t a value when compared to their employer-sponsored plans. Part A, on the other hand, is a different situation altogether. With Part A, even with other health coverage, it provides significant value.