Risk & Business Magazine Nesbit Agencies Spring 2021 | Page 5

ENDURING LEGACY to serve all of the guests that they interact with . Crew members thrive as a team and work together hand in hand to accomplish this high level of service , bringing not only their own vast experience but also the experience of the company ’ s most established leaders whose shared service knowledge has been handed down for generations . The word “ legendary ” gets thrown around a lot , but Al and Alma ’ s is an example where the word fits . The crew works at a place that they love with a mission they are passionate about . They bring a teachable spirit , responsible work ethic , and genuine heart to the guest experience which , in turn , makes them unique among restaurants in the region .
Like every business , Al and Alma ’ s must face its share of hardships as well . Running the company , especially one with so many different risk exposures , necessitates not only that the highest standard of service and training are in place but also that the proper insurance and risk management plans are in effect . To that end , three of the four generations that have owned Al and Alma ’ s have worked with the same insurance agent : Tom Casey . Over the years , Tom merged his clients and company under the umbrella of the Nesbit Agency , allowing him to leverage additional services and benefits to Al and Alma ’ s .
With a long and safe operating history , the Supper Club has not needed to spend much time dealing with claims , but when they have , the process has gone very smoothly . For example : recently , one of their largest boats was damaged by a stray electrical current in the water leading to signs of metal polishing that indicated that the protective finish of the hull was compromised . Tom was able to quickly team Jay up with their insurance carrier who was able to assign an expert in the field to identify the issue , support a solution , and guide them through placing
a claim to repair the hull damage . The help and cooperation throughout the process , understandably , was invaluable .
Al and Alma ’ s has a rich history and a lineage which can be traced back to its first owners . Currently celebrating their 65th season as one of Lake Minnetonka ’ s favorite dining destinations , and operating the state ’ s largest fleet of cruise yachts , the future is looking very bright . Knowing that their staff , guests , equipment , and business are all protected by the policies provided through the Nesbit Agency empower them to focus on doing what they do best : providing the best dining experiences on Lake Minnetonka .
For more information on Al and Alma ’ s and to book your perfect dinner , visit them online at www . al-almas . com / supper-club or 952-472-3098 .
To find out how Nesbit Agencies can help with your risk management , visit them online at NesbitAgencies . com +