Risk & Business Magazine Nesbit Agencies Spring 2017 | Page 5

16 feature ABOUT TED * : A TALE OF EMPOWERMENT WELCOME CONTENTS 4 NESBIT AGENCIES HONORED BY WEST BEND 5 LETTER FROM THE NESBIT AGENCIES 6 FEATURE: CORPORATE INSTALLATIONS The Simple & Elegant Practice Of Furniture Installation 7 ADVANTAGES OF OFFERING GROUP HEALTH PLANS 9 PROSPECTS FOR PENNIES Find Gold In Abandoned Advertising 10 CUSTOMER SERVICE VS. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Knowing The Difference 12 UNMISTAKABLE HABITS OF IRRESISTIBLE PEOPLE 14 ONE DAY A WEEK This Entrepreneur More Than Doubled His Revenue 20 COACHING: It’s An Ongoing Process 22 SEVEN SIGNS YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL 24 TOPGRADING SNAPSHOT How I Avoided A Costly Mis-Hire In One Minute 26 FEATURE: WISE ACRE EATERY & TANGLETOWN GARDENS True Farm-to-Table 27 ESSENTIAL INSURANCE FOR RESTAURANTS What You Need To Know We are just a few months into 2017 and a lot has alrea dy changed in the political and economic landscapes in the United States and across the rest of the world — with even more proposed changes yet to come! Businesses and individuals have a lot to consider and debate as we see how many of these proposed changes come to fruition and to what extent. We remain optimistic that the changes will be positive for businesses across all industries, including the world of insurance. In this issue, we will be covering topics relevant to growing and managing a small business. We’ll also shine a spotlight on some of our clients: Ostvig Tree, Corporate Installations, Wise Acre Eatery, Tangletown Gardens, and Red Cedar Canyon Assisted Living. Each company has a unique and interesting story and we appreciate the opportunity to be able to partner with them! We also have included a companion article with each spotlight that shares an insurance solution we provided for the client and some of the risks similar businesses need to consider for their insurance coverage. We want to put a strong focus on providing unique and useful content that you can use for your personal development as well as growing your business. As you read through this issue, take note of anything that may catch your eye. We would love to hear from you if you want more information or would like to provide us with feedback. You can send any inquiries or comments to [email protected]. Thank you. Sincerely, 28 FEATURE: OSTVIG TREE CARE Family Trees 29 THE IMPORTANCE OF ARBORIST INSURANCE 30 FEATURE: RED CEDAR CANYON Great People, Great Services, Great Living 31 INSURANCE CONCERNS FOR ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES Jay Nesbit, Operations NESBITAGENCIES.COM 5