Risk & Business Magazine Nesbit Agencies Risk & Business Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 5

16 feature PATRICK LENCIONI: CONQUERING TEAM DYSFUNCTION CONTENTS 6 PARK PLACE STORAGE The Unique Luxury Storage Of Park Place Storage 7 CONDO STORAGE INSURANCE The Unique Ins and Outs 9 A WORKAHOLIC’S LESSON ON LOVE & LOSS Lindsey Boggs - From The Ritz To a Padded Cell 12 BE A BETTER LEADER Be More Like Your Heroes 14 TEAM CULTURE There’s An App For That 20 ARE YOU AN ACCIDENTAL DIMINISHER? Diminishers Vs. Multipliers 22 IS CAREER REINVENTION IN YOUR FUTURE? 24 MIKE MICHALOWICZ A Simple Technique To Skyrocket Productivity 26 IN THE BUSINESS OF HELPING BUSINESSES: Living Word Christian Center 27 THE SEAMLESS COMBINATION of Benefits, HR, and Risk Management 28 JENKINS IRON & STEEL: High-Quality American Standards WELCOME Now that summer vacations have been taken, kids are back in school, and the days start to get a little cooler, I hope everyone was able to find a little time for some rest and relaxation over the past few months. It is a great time of year to take the opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family to maintain that very important work-life balance. As we head into fall, businesses seem to be more energized and focused this time of year, often as a result of a healthy break from our regular routines. That has certainly been the case at Nesbit Agencies as we have been working on the fall 2017 issue of Nesbit Agencies Risk & Business Magazine! In this issue, we will be covering a few topics relevant to growing and managing small businesses as well as spotlights on some of the diverse companies we have as clients. These organizations include condominium storage, metalworking, trucking, and houses of worship. Each company has a unique and interesting story, and we appreciate the opportunity to be able to partner with them! We also have included an accompanying article with each customer spotlight that shares a brief overview of the insurance solution we provided for this client and some of the risks similar businesses need to consider for their insurance coverage. We want to put a strong focus on providing unique and useful content which you can use to grow both yourself and your business. We would love to hear from you if you want more information or would like to provide us with feedback. You can send any inquiries or comments to info@nesbitagencies. com. Thank you. Sincerely, 29 METAL MANUFACTURING The Value of Adequate Coverage 30 PFLIPSEN TRUCKING: A FLEET DONE RIGHT 31 THE IMPORTANCE OF FLEET SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE Jay Nesbit, Operations NESBITAGENCIES.COM 5