Risk & Business Magazine Nesbit Agencies Fall 2021 | Page 14



Connecting The Right People For The Right Reasons



hat do human resources companies and insurance companies have in common ? The answer to that question is that they both place a large focus on risk management and risk mitigation . Three years ago , Jay Nesbit was attending a human resources seminar when he met Julia Tate , founder of HR Executive Partners . They struck up a conversation and began discussing the many issues currently facing Human Resources departments .
One common area of expertise between Jay and Julia are their roles as consultants for human resources departments — Julia , through her own company focusing specifically on that area , and Jay , through his work with insurance . From there , interests and discussions branched out into a broader connection between Nesbit Agencies and HR Executive Partners .
Perhaps the largest and most striking project they collaborated on was the development of a flexible work scheduling arrangement that could be added to the employee handbook for Nesbit Agencies . She gathered four or five people , did some brainstorming and strategizing , and came up with a plan that would eventually become Nesbit ’ s flexible work program that is in place today . In retrospect , this arrangement was even more beneficial than expected , especially in light of COVID-19 .
The flexible work project was a good fit , so Jay assisted Julia in finding the right person within Nesbit Agencies to take care of her insurance needs , including personal lines . With personal lines working out to her satisfaction , Julia moved into working on business insurance with Nesbit . Ever since , the two companies have collaborated on many things , but the key is connecting the right person in the right position in the right company and ensuring a good fit .
The moral of the story is that collaboration between companies is supposed to be a win-win . One company brings expertise in one area to the table , the other brings their own expertise , and the collaboration makes both stronger . Do the people who work with your company fit in ? Do the companies you do business with do their business in a way that meshes well with yours ? The key to a long-lasting and beneficial relationship between business associates is simple : do unto others as you would have them do unto you . The golden rule always applies . Do your best for other companies and they will do their best for your company as well .
The better one business does , the better the other does . When Nesbit Agencies succeeds , their clients — including HR Executive Partners ( not to mention the clients with personal lines )— will succeed as well . Both companies grow and build upon each other ’ s successes . Connections between the right people for the right reasons are the pillars holding up the bridge to fruitful long-term business relationships .
To find out more about Nesbit Agencies , reach out to nesbitagencies . com .
For more information about HR Executive Partners , you can find them online at hrexecutivepartners . com . +