Risk & Business Magazine Nesbit Agencies Fall 2019 | Page 5
a rapport with employees. That rapport
translates to the treatment of customers
as well. Anyone who walks into the front
door can see it written on the face of
everyone who works at the restaurant.
Does that mean every idea that is brought
to the table is going to be implemented?
Of course not. What it does mean is that
every idea will at least be considered and
not dismissed out of hand. Customers
come in the door and see how things are
being done. Likewise, employees can
see how the business is operated and
are encouraged to branch out and learn
different aspects of the work as they go.
Hell’s Kitchen, like any business, has a
strong bond to its insurance, for better
or for worse. In the past, they had a few
nightmare situations with different
insurance companies. They were losing
money on Workers’ Compensation
due to mistakes being made by third
parties, they were not happy with
their benefits packages, and there
were simply problems and issues with
miscommunication seemingly at every
Since switching to Nesbit Agencies,
however, that has significantly
changed. Workers’ Compensation issues
were solved and classifications were
corrected, money was recouped from
previous premium charges based on
those classifications, and coverage was
improved all-around. When it came to
benefits, the restaurant was originally
with another company, but things
weren’t going very well. Premiums
were very high and the return on
that investment simply wasn’t worth
it. Nesbit was able to find a way to
bring those premiums down while
also improving the packages that the
employees were getting.
Nesbit also provides a single point of
contact for all providers, saving the
staff of Hell’s Kitchen the unnecessary
burden of playing bureaucratic phone
tag with multiple companies trying
to get answers to simple questions.
Ultimately, the coverage improved
and the costs went down, which led
to employees being happier as well
as management being more satisfied
with what they were paying for. In
other words: a win-win situation for
everyone involved.
Management and the owners should
basically be focused on one thing:
running the business. If they have
to spend all of their time worried
and concerned about whether their
insurance coverage is correct, or
scrounging to find the money to cover
outlandish premiums, they simply can’t
do that efficiently. Fortunately, Nesbit
has solved that problem by going
above and beyond in every way. In HR
Manager Kris’s own words, “They’ve
made my work life significantly easier,”
which gives him time to assist in other
aspects of the business. As part of a
team running a busy restaurant, there
is no shortage of help to give, so that is
an invaluable change of pace.
Though Mitch, sadly, passed away in
2015, Cyn and the rest of the team
keep his spirit alive through the way
they run the restaurant and care for
each other every day.
For more information about Hell’s
Kitchen, visit them online at
HellsKitcheninc.com. +
* Images provided directly from Hell's Kitchen