Risk & Business Magazine Miller Insurance Spring 2017 | Page 13

IRRESISTIBLE PEOPLE person they’re having lunch with—it’s all for naught if that person witnesses them behaving badly toward someone else. Irresistible people treat everyone with respect because they believe they’re no better than anyone else. THEY HAVE INTEGRITY People with high integrity are irresistible because they walk their talk, plain and simple. Integrity is a simple concept but a difficult thing to practice. To demonstrate integrity every day, irresistible people follow through, they avoid talking bad about other people, and they do the right thing, even when it hurts. THEY DON’T TRY TOO HARD Irresistible people don’t dominate the conversation with stories about how smart and successful they are. It’s not that they’re resisting the urge to brag. The thought doesn’t even occur to them because they know how unlikeable people are who try too hard to get others to like them. THEY SMILE People naturally (and unconsciously) mirror the body language of the person they’re talking to. If you want people to find you irresistible, smile at them during conversations and they will unconsciously return the favor and feel good as a result. making an effort to look your best is comparable to cleaning your h ouse before company comes—it’s a sign of respect for others. But once they’ve made themselves presentable, they stop thinking about it. THEY RECOGNIZE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FACT AND OPINION Irresistible people handle controversial topics and touchy subjects with grace and poise. They don’t shrink from sharing their opinions, but they make it clear that they’re opinions, not facts. Whether discussing global warming, politics, vaccine schedules, or GMO foods, irresistible people recognize that many people who are just as intelligent as they are see things differently. BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER Irresistible people did not have fairy godmothers hovering over their cribs. They’ve simply perfected certain appealing qualities and habits that anyone can adopt as their own. They think about other people more than they think about themselves, and they make other people feel liked, respected, understood, and seen. Just remember: the more you focus on others, the more irresistible you’ll be. + THEY MAKE AN EFFORT TO LOOK THEIR BEST (JUST NOT TOO MUCH OF AN EFFORT) There’s a massive difference between being presentable and being vain. Irresistible people understand that BY: TRAVIS BRADBERRY AUTHOR OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Dr. Travis Bradberry is the award-winning coauthor of the #1 best selling book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, and the cofounder of TalentSmart®--a consultancy that serves more than 75% of Fortune 500 companies and is the world’s leading provider of emotional intelligence tests and training. Dr. Bradberry is a world-renowned expert in emotional intelligence who speaks regularly in corporate and public settings. Example engagements include Intel, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Wells Fargo, Boston Scientific, NY Life, Fortune Brands, Salesforce.com, Fortune Magazine Growth Summit, The Conference Board: Learning from Legends, and Excellence in Government. 13