Risk & Business Magazine Miller Insurance Fall 2017 | Page 7

PROFILE: TYLER HOPKINS Broker Profile: Tyler Hopkins T yler Hopkins, a broker at Miller Insurance in Owen Sound, Ontario, rarely has a day that repeats itself. “I like a good challenge,” says Tyler, “but the most important thing is to make sure that everyone I deal with is properly covered. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you’re paying one dollar or one thousand dollars for coverage—as long as you’re properly insured.” When he works with a client, he knows that the client does not have a relationship with the insurance carrier—only he does. “If something bad happens, they are going to call me,” Tyler explains, “so I like to think of every client as I would my own family.” He believes so strongly in providing everyone with the right coverage that he’d sooner see a client that is cutting corners too deeply find another broker rather than represent that client. But for those who are serious about proper coverage, he will always make time for them, whether it’s after work, before work, or even on weekends. Tyler determines an insurance strategy for each prospect by talking to him or her in depth to learn more about the prospect’s business as well as administering a questionnaire. “When I am figuring out how to cover a company’s risk, I need to “TYLER DETERMINES AN INSURANCE STRATEGY FOR EACH PROSPECT BY TALKING TO HIM OR HER IN DEPTH TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PROSPECT’S BUSINESS AS WELL AS ADMINISTERING A QUESTIONNAIRE.” look two or three years down the road to be sure we can accommodate their growth or even a potential contraction,” he says. “I find that most people are proud about their livelihood and are more than happy to talk about it.” One thing he often encounters, however, is the client with the attitude that “bad things will never happen to me.” In his eleven years as a broker, he has seen so many cases where this lack of concern really ended up backfiring. “The more real-life examples you can give someone, the more they will see that these things occasionally do happen,” he says. “If I see a gap in coverage, I let people know that if an incident were to occur tomorrow, it may be something they can never bounce back from.” In the case of Graham Woodhouse, who owns Woodhouse Brewery, a local craft beer company, Tyler worked hard to find the exact right fit. When the first insurance company wasn’t a perfect match, he switched to another that was more capable of growing with the brewery. His research paid off as Woodhouse has continued to expand each year, most recently into the retail channel. Tyler enjoys his job and the people he meets daily. “I talk to so many people and learn so much about them each day,” he says. “I love hearing about their businesses— something I would never have the chance to experi ence in any other industry.” Tyler finds his job as a broker not only rewarding but also interesting. The daily challenges, concerns, and goals he sets for himself both personally and professionally have enabled him to grow as a young businessperson. Tyler is proud to both work and live in Grey and Bruce Counties, supporting the industries and businesses that support him and Miller Insurance. + Tyler Hopkins has been in industry since 2006. He graduated from Fanshawe College, and received his CAIB. Tyler is currently working towards his CIP and has been at Miller Insurance for 7 years. You can reach Tyler at thopkins@miller.ca 7