Risk & Business Magazine Miller Insurance Fall 2017 | Page 5

16 feature PATRICK LENCIONI: WELCOME CONQUERING TEAM DYSFUNCTION CONTENTS 5 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 6 WOODHOUSE BREWERY GAINING A NAME FOR ITSELF 7 BROKER PROFILE Tyler Hopkins 9 A WORKAHOLIC’S LESSON ON LOVE & LOSS Lindsey Boggs - From The Ritz To a Padded Cell 12 BE A BETTER LEADER Be More Like Your Heroes 14 TEAM CULTURE There’s An App For That 20 ARE YOU AN ACCIDENTAL DIMINISHER? Diminishers Vs. Multipliers Welcome to the fall edition of Miller Insurance Risk & Business Magazine. The feature article is about creating a better team, and at Miller Insurance, we are constantly working towards building a stronger crew to serve our clients in the best way possible. Whether that is working together to find a unique coverage for a commercial client or teaming up to provide 24/7 claims service to our insureds, we continue to look for ways to build up our team. We also see ourselves as part of our clients’ “team.” As an organisation, we are committed to working with our farm and commercial clients to assist them in finding the right combination of risk management through proper insurance coverage and education. That is part of the reason that we have published this magazine. If we can help you grow and prosper as a business, we are all better off. Inside this issue you will also find articles featuring some of our client and broker success stories. These are examples of how we have been able to partner the right coverage with the right client. We have some amazing businesses in Southwestern Ontario, and we are proud to be a part of their achievements. 24 MIKE MICHALOWICZ A Simple Technique To Skyrocket Productivity I encourage you to contact any of our experienced professionals for advice and counsel on insurance and risk-management- related matters. We are also happy to provide a no-obligation review and audit of your insurance program. 26 LOW EXPLOSIVE MARKET EXPLODING Rock Removal Solutions Sincerely, 22 IS CAREER REINVENTION IN YOUR FUTURE? 27 BLOWING UP THE INSURANCE WORLD 28 T.J. ENTERPRISES A Family Operation 29 YOUR FARM INSURANCE IS IN SAFE HANDS 30 IN OUR COMMUNITY Todd Farrell President MILLERINSURANCE.CA 5