Risk & Business Magazine Miller Insurance Fall 2015 | Page 28

Live An Extraordinary Life So Countless Others Will As A Result BY: JOHN DiJULIUS, PRESIDENT, THE DiJULIUS GROUP W ho are you not to be great? Over the last ten years, I have had a personal purpose statement, a vision of what I want to accomplish in my lifetime, and which has served me greatly through good times and tough. I have had this vision posted on my bathroom mirror, it is in my wallet, and it’s on my desk in my office. It reads, “Live an extraordinary life so countless others do as well.” Who are you to be ordinary? I don’t want to live an extraordinary life so I have a bigger bank account, nicer car, house, and more toys. I know that if I live an extraordinary life, so many others will as a result. And if I do not find a way to live an extraordinary life, I will probably end up cheating thousands of people. Undeveloped potential cheats those around us, those we touch, influence, and impact, as well as deprives ourselves of joy, satisfaction, and opportunities. Living our life to its fullest potential is not an opportunity; it is our responsibility. Who are you to deny greatness? It is an obligation to be the best version of ourselves we possibly can be, every day. Not just for us and how our life will benefit, but also for all the people depending on us: our spouse, children, friends, employees, coworkers, Customers, and our community. Living an extraordinary life is living fully. I believe that we all have enormous potential inside each of us, and if there are parts of that potential that we do not develop, we are cheating the rest of the world out of the contribution that we could have made. So if I don’t live fully, I don’t just deny myself a lot of joy and 28 satisfaction; I deny the rest of the people in the world the benefit of what I could have contributed. Success is when you are firing on all eight cylinders, mentally, physically, emotionally, with family, socially, in your career, financially, and spiritually—all of those are part of you and they all deserve your very best. Living an extraordinary life is like when the flight attendant says, “You must put your own oxygen mask on first before helping those around you.” When you first hear that, it actually sounds a bit selfish. However, what use will you be to anyone else if you do not take care of yourself first? during my fifties, sixties, and beyond. How dare you to be ordinary? Any time I am feeling like I am not living an extraordinary life, and that is more times than I like to admit, I can look at my key drivers and see why—see what I am neglecting—and hopefully I can get right back on track. Live an Extraordinary life so countless others will as a result. If you would deny PERSONAL it to yourself, you Personal Family Health would deny it to the entire world - A Relationships Self Esteem Diet personal purpose Role Model Exercise statement is not Spiritual something you Give More Fun Mind just write out, post, and expect automatic PROFESSIONAL achievement Professional Business Team from. You need to make yourself Development accountable—it Learning Vision Sell Vision needs to be Network Plan Opportunity measureable. Goals Charity Encouragement For me, living an extraordinary life means there are so many things I need to be working on daily, personally, and professionally. It is everything from whom I am spending my time with (are John R. DiJulius III is considered the they positive or negative influences in authority on world-class Customer my life?) to my health, exercise, and service and is the author of three books diet. Some people think that if they eat on Customer experience. He is the junk food all day, that is their business. president of The DiJulius Group—a However, I realize that if I eat a poor diet, Customer service consulting fi rm that it is one of the most selfish things I can works with companies like Starbucks, do. Because when I get home after work, Chick-fi l-A, The Ritz-Carlton, I am going to be exhausted and irritable Nestle, PwC, Lexus, and many more. and not have any good energy left to John is also the founder and owner spend with my boys. Therefore, I just of John Robert’s Spa—named one cheated them. It is not only living longer, of the Top 20 Salons in America but it is the quality of life I want to have RISK & BUSINESS MAGAZINETM FALL 2015