Risk & Business Magazine Miller Insurance Fall 2015 | Page 22

Don’t Let “Price” Derail Your Sale Avoiding the Classic Mistake BY: ERIC FRY, MANAGING PARTNER, SANDLER TRAINING H as this ever happened to you? You’ve had a series of great discussions with a prospect, taken lots of great notes, and you’ve developed the proverbial “killer presentation.” You’ve started to deliver that presentation, and you’ve gotten all kinds of positive signals from the prospect: encouraging body language, words of approval, that kind of thing. Things seemed promising. Then you got to the final slide, the slide everything else was supposed to justify: the price. And all the positive signals stopped cold. The meeting ended without a commitment. The prospect had to think about it, had to talk to people, had to check the numbers, had to do any number of things other than say “yes” or “no” to your pricing. And you left without any timeline. And the deal