Risk & Business Magazine McFarlan Rowlands Spring 2017 | Page 30


Nine Critical Questions Incredibly Successful People Ask Themselves Every Day

Let ’ s get the obvious out of the way : obtaining success is not easy for anyone . Even those who make it look simple have climbed big mountains to get to the top . Others look up at these successful folks and imagine them as having the answers to everything . The truth is successful people got to where they are by asking the right questions .

Questions inevitably arise in the face of tough choices — forks in the road , if you will . If these decisions are not carefully considered , choices will be made automatically . That default path more often than not leads away from success .
Incredibly successful people understand that they control their own destiny and that the best way to do that is to ask themselves questions that reveal the right path . Here are the telling questions they ask themselves regularly :
1 . SHOULD I BE DOING THIS ? Many ambitious people , like entrepreneurs , are quick to jump on opportunities . Sometimes too quickly . They end up wasting hours and energy on projects that will never be successful or bring a sufficient return on their investment . Incredibly successful people understand the precious value of time and resources . They know they can only do so much with what they have , so they look for reasons to conserve .
2 . WHAT IS TRULY MY TOP PRIORITY ? A scattered mind is unproductive . Each day , incredibly successful people figure out the one thing they need to accomplish that day and focus their efforts on it . They take into consideration the surrounding circumstances to make sure completion is favourable . If they are productive and finish their objective early in the day , they can look to the next priority .
ACHIEVE MY LONG-TERM GOALS ? Shortsightedness can keep you chasing dreams until the day you die . Incredibly successful people want to achieve , not just dream , so they spend time deciding on a preferred future and set a plan to attain it . They can then easily assess the day ’ s opportunities against the goal and the plan .
4 . HOW CAN I BE MORE EFFECTIVE ? There are many blocks to productivity . The biggest one is complacency . Incredibly successful people always want to be more effective learners , thinkers , communicators , and leaders . They are focused on constant improvement . They leave “ good enough ” for everyone else .
5 . HOW CAN I MAKE THIS FUN ? It may not be possible to make everything fun , but nearly everything has the possibility of being fun for someone . And nearly everyone , given the choice , would like to have fun with what they do . Incredibly successful people always look for the fun in the day . They know how to smile and laugh and want to get the most from life each and every day .
6 . WHO ELSE CAN HANDLE THIS ? Major successes never happen in a vacuum . There are always dedicated and passionate people involved . They work as a team to support the vision . Incredibly successful people cultivate these teams and delegate tasks so that everyone is focused on his or her highest and best use .
7 . HOW WILL I REST MY BRAIN TODAY ? Physical work can be taxing , but hard brain work also takes its toll in physical , mental , and emotional ways . Incredibly successful people give their